4a : Semaine du 02 au 06 février

Publié le par ms Latinie

Description des 2 images distribuées au dernier cours .

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

the third


Both pictures were taken at the same place, but not at the same time, because the play park was rebuilt / remodelled to be safer and more modern.

In the first version of the park, kids could / were able to play together, whereas in the second picture, we can see (that) they're playing alone.

We prefer the first park because it was more fun, better, more attractive than the second park.

The second park is as big as the first one, but it's less entertaining.

Real games are better than I-pads.

Pour mercredi 04 : apprendre la leçon par coeur.
take / become / co
me / find / keep / put / spend / run / show / speak / sit / swim

LE 04/02/2015


1. Le comparatif de supériorité.

Pour les adjectifs longs (plus de 2 syllabes) (ex : modern, attractive, interesting....) on ajoute more devant l'adjectif, et ensuite than.

Pour les adjectifs courts OU les adjectifs de 2 syllabes se terminant par -y, -er, -ow, -e (ex : pretty, nice, slow, clever) on ajoute -er au radical, puis on fait suivre par than.

Ex : The first park is nicer than the second one.

Attention : le "y" se transforme en "i". ex : Shakira is prettier than the Queen of England.

Quand l'adjectif court se termine par consonne / voyelle / consonne, on double la dernière consonne. ex : Classroom B207 is bigger than A106.

2. Le comparatif d'infériorité

On utilise soit less + adjectif + than (ex : The second park is less attractive than the first park)

soit "not as" + adjectif + "as" (ex : The second park is not as attractive as the first park.)

3. Le comparatif d'égalité

On utilise "as "+ adjectif + "as" (ex : The second park is as big as the first park.)

Attention aux exceptions :

good / well => better

bad => worse

Publié dans 4a

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